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What to focus on while buying Ruby gemstone?

Jun 27, 2023Jun 27, 2023


As one of the most coveted gemstones in the world, rubies exude a striking red color and stunning beauty. This precious stone has long been associated with power, passion, and romance, and is prized by royalty, celebrities, and gemstone enthusiasts for centuries. However, not all rubies are created equal, and there are several important factors to consider when purchasing one.

From color and clarity to cut, carat weight, origin, treatment, and certification, you need to take a comprehensive look at a stone to make an informed decision. Thankfully, stores like GemPundit offer an exciting range of certified rubies at a reasonable price to meet your expectations. Here are the points to consider when exploring the market to buy ruby stones:


The color of a Certified Ruby Stone can range from pinkish-red to deep blood-red, and the most prized and valuable rubies exhibit a deep, rich red color with hints of blue or purple. This color is often referred to as "pigeon blood red".

When evaluating the color of a gemstone, there are three essential elements to consider: hue, tone, and saturation. The hue refers to the primary color, ranging from red to pinkish-red to purplish-red. The most valuable hue for a ruby is a pure, intense red with no hints of brown or orange.

Tone is the lightness or darkness of the color, graded on a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being the lightest and 10 being the darkest. Most buyers prefer rubies with darker tones, as they tend to have a richer, more vibrant color.


Saturation refers to the intensity of the ruby's color. A highly saturated ruby will have a pure, vivid color, while a less saturated ruby will appear dull or washed out. Buyers should look for rubies with high saturation, as they are more valuable than those with lower saturation.

The presence of inclusions and blemishes can severely affect the prices of a gemstone. Inclusions are natural internal imperfections in the stone, while blemishes are external flaws. These imperfections can impact the overall beauty and value of the ruby.

Inclusions can range from tiny, barely visible pinpoints to large, eye-visible fractures or clouds. The fewer inclusions or blemishes a ruby has, the higher its clarity grade will be.

Some rubies, particularly those from certain regions, may have inclusions that are considered acceptable or even desirable. For example, rubies from Burma often have "silk," which are fine rutile needles that can give the ruby a soft, velvety appearance. This type of inclusion is considered desirable by some buyers and can increase the value of the stone.

A well-cut ruby will have optimal proportions that allow for maximum light return, enhancing the ruby's brilliance and sparkle. Additionally, the cut of a ruby can impact its color, as a poorly cut ruby may appear washed out or uneven in color.

The shape is largely a matter of personal preference, but buyers should ensure that the cut is symmetrical and that the facets are evenly spaced. When evaluating the cut of a ruby, buyers should look for stones with even color distribution, sharp facet edges, and a high level of symmetry. A well-cut ruby will exhibit a vibrant color and sparkle in various lighting conditions, enhancing its overall beauty and value.

Carat weight refers to the weight of the stone and is a significant factor in determining the value of the ruby. However, it should be balanced with the other quality factors, including color, clarity, and cut, to ensure that the ruby is not only large but also beautiful and valuable.

Larger rubies are rarer and more valuable than smaller ones, but they may not necessarily be more beautiful. A larger ruby with poor color or clarity may be less valuable than a smaller ruby with excellent color and clarity. Therefore, when evaluating carat weight, consider how the weight impacts the overall beauty and value of the stone.

When buying a ruby, it's crucial to ensure that the stone is authentic and of high quality. One way to do this is by obtaining a certification from a reputable gemological laboratory. A certification provides valuable information about the ruby's authenticity, quality, and characteristics, allowing buyers to make an informed decision and ensuring that they are getting what they paid for.

Certifications are issued by independent gemological laboratories that specialize in assessing the quality of gemstones. The most well-known and respected laboratories include the Gemological Institute of America (GIA), American Gemological Society (AGS), and International Gemological Institute (IGI).

In conclusion, buying a ruby gemstone requires careful consideration of several factors, including color, clarity, cut, carat weight, origin, treatment, and certification. By keeping these things in mind, you can make an informed decision and choose a ruby that is not only beautiful but also of good quality and value.

Disclaimer: This article is for Information purpose only, not an advice.