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Nov 28, 2023Nov 28, 2023


National Sapphire Segulah Day on May 12 is a day of gratitude for single parents of special needs children to remind them their service and sacrifices of love are seen, appreciated, and not in vain.

Single parents of special needs children deserve a day especially for them to celebrate the sacrifice they make every day caring for their child. The job is stressful, to say the least. Their days are busy, and so are their nights. Many go days with very little sleep, or no sleep at all. In addition, there is the endless advocating to make sure their child has access to services and support to help them live their best quality of life. Today, let's show our gratitude for those single parents and let them know just how much we appreciate them.

In the Hebrew language "Sapphire" means "Precious" and "Segulah" means "Peculiar Treasure." While we refer to children that are born with disabilities as "special needs," they are so much more. They are a combination of special, some peculiar, but all are a treasure. A Precious Peculiar Treasure.

Most parents of special needs children don't start out being single. In fact, many were in long-term marriages or relationships. Unfortunately, the new and unknown challenges of caring for a child with special needs often tests the strength and bonds of marriage and relationships. As a result, separation or divorce leaves one parent to care for a child with special needs. However, single parents have the strength to continue parenting alone because they know their Precious Peculiar Treasure is the most rewarding gift they will receive.

Caring for children with a disability can be challenging, but very rewarding, too. By simply showing love and providing a positive environment, they are encouraging their child to thrive. Single parents can raise their treasure successfully.

To be trusted with such a precious commodity, is indeed the highest honor, and one that is truly special. I wouldn't change it for the world. ~La Dana Lucious on being a parent to her Precious Peculiar Treasure

Being a single parent is a hard job. Being a single parent to a child with disabilities is a harder job. Sometimes, it may seem like nothing is going as planned. Remember, you are one of many navigating this adventure. In fact, you are a superstar to your child!

You manage the life of a peculiar treasure normal parents could never imagine. You are a therapist, a doctor, a nurse, and friend to your child. You are appreciated and admired by those in your life who see you going above and beyond to provide care and comfort to your little treasure. The next time you feel overwhelmed, upset, or confused, think about the wonderful life you are providing your child.

Today, we celebrate you! We want you to brag about the accomplishments you and your child have reached together. Share your passion to provide a stable and productive life for your child. You deserve to let the world know that even though you get tired, frustrated, and maybe upset, there is not a single mountain you wouldn't climb to help your peculiar treasure feel love.

In 2022, National Day Calendar and La Dana Lucious of Great Exploit Ministries began working together to create National Sapphire Segulah Day. Each year on May 12, we use the entire day to show gratitude for the single parents of special needs children.

Great Exploit Ministries is a non-profit organization offering ministry and advocacy resources to an ever-increasing population of single parents caring for their special needs children.

#SapphireSegulahDay What does Sapphire Segulah Mean? Tips for Single Parents Words of Encouragement SAPPHIRE SEGULAH CELEBRATION FOUNDER