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How AI And The Metaverse Will Inspire Jewellery Design

Jul 28, 2023Jul 28, 2023

"The Joy of Colour" exhibition, that will run from 10th March to 10th May at the Shenzhen Jewellery Museum in China, will present vivid insights into how Artificial Intelligence and the Metaverse will inspire jewellery design in the future.

Curated by Creative Director and Jewellery Expert Paola De Luca and her team from The Futurist including China-based marketing specialist Helen Mao, in partnership with Italian Exhibition Group's jewellery forecasting observatory Trendvision, the exhibition will open the eyes of jewellery enthusiasts to an immersive environment that reveals how design and colour coding will evolve in a new era of fast-emerging AI where in-person and virtual craftsmanship will co-exist.

Paola De Luca said, "Colour is light and light is energy. Humanity is cracking the borders of languages, rules, geographic and political barriers merging in parallel realities.

"Entering the 3.0 era, my vision of the future of jewellery design encompasses designing and producing formats that are interspersed with immersive experiences, creating hybrid spaces where digital art and culture will inspire consumers and the trade to enjoy the ultimate luxury experience."

The exhibition, featuring the work of 24 jewellery designers from around the world, will examine the impact of societal phenomena such as gaming and loneliness on mindsets in jewellery design after the pandemic, as well as reinterpreting and reconstructing our past heritage in design inspiration; the impact of the circular economy and sustainable practices on design; and the outlook for an increasingly "phygital" world.