Home / News / Finding Oregon’s official gem, the sunstone, for free or low cost can be done, but it’s not easy

Finding Oregon’s official gem, the sunstone, for free or low cost can be done, but it’s not easy

Jul 02, 2023Jul 02, 2023

Copper, which is part of Oregon sunstone's geological stew, creates such a wide range of colors that other gems can't compete. (Janet Eastman/Janet Eastman/The Oregonian)

A quiet Gold Rush continues in Oregon's high desert. Serious rockhounds, weekend prospectors and people selling the state's official gemstone are staking claims and digging for sunstones.

Sunstones? Even lapidaries and longtime gem dealers ask this question. The feldspar crystals are found in soil and prehistoric lava flows in Lake and Harney counties. Copper, which is part of the Oregon sunstone's unique geological stew, creates such a wide range of colors that other gems can't compete.

The other beauty of Oregon sunstones? At the same time miners are working their private claims, anyone willing to stand in a pit near Plush, a remote speck of the Oregon Outback, and dig with their hands may find a nugget at no or low cost.

Dust Devil Mining, a you-dig operation in eastern Lake County, is across Road 6115 from the Sunstone Gem Collection Area, one of the Bureau of Land Management's free spots to take home nature's souvenirs.

Genuine Oregon sunstones, unlike sunstones from Africa that are colored by iron oxide, can be as wide as three inches and, depending on the amount of copper, be pale yellow, soft pink, blood red, or deep blue and green, according to the Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries.

Their composition, clarity and range of colors make Oregon sunstones uncommon, say gem experts. The Northern Paiute and Modoc tribes were the first to trade sunstones and in the early 1900s, Tiffany & Co. in New York City marketed them as "plush diamonds."

Oregon sunstones that seem transparent can reveal flashes of pink to red, a metallic shimmer or "schiller," when viewed from different directions.

"The metallic inclusions of copper in Oregon sunstones is a rare phenomenon in the gem world," says jeweler Steven Douglas, who with his wife, Elyse, has been selling the state's sunstones since 2000 when a miner walked into a Bend jewelry store with a tray of the mysterious stones.

"Sapphires, garnets, tourmalines, you name it, can be different colors but they are from different places," he says. "With the Oregon sunstone, you have more variety from one mineral from one mining location than any other gem in the world."

The Oregon sunstone was named the state's official gemstone in 1987. Popularity grew through marketing. In the early years, Dust Devil Mining hosted free "dig ins" for jewelers, and the mine owners later collaborated with the Douglases, who own The Sunstone Store, to design jewelry to present to a newly crowned Miss Oregon.

The variety of sizes and colors makes Oregon sunstones ideal for small custom jewelers, says Steven Douglas, but difficult for a major retailer. More than a decade ago, Fred Meyer Jewelers sold Oregon sunstones, but to fill the jewelry cases in their many stores, they needed thousands of lookalike gems, and that, Douglas says, is "the antithesis of an Oregon sunstone."

Martin and Tanya Barker of Bend went hunting for sunstones at Dust Devil Mining with their small daughter, Ella, in 2015. Tanya found a 52-carat strawberry-colored gem. (Tanya Barker)

It's not easy to get to Plush, which is about a 200-mile drive southeast of Bend.

Martin and Tanya Barker of Bend went hunting for sunstones with their small daughter, Ella, seven years ago. During their four-hour drive to Dust Devil Mining, with many miles over washboarded roads, they saw rattlesnakes, a few signs and few people on the bumpy road. They had no cell service and they say they felt lost.

Once they arrived, Martin likened Dust Devil Mining to a scene from the post-apocalyptic action movie, "Mad Max," with machines digging and piling dirt in the desolate desert. The out-of-world experience was heightened, he says, when they saw antelope roaming in the nearby Hart Mountain National Antelope Refuge.

Where are we? he wondered.

After a long time digging with their hands, a light rain washed away some of the dirt on the ground, and that's when Tanya spotted a 52-carat, strawberry-colored gem.

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They paid the you-dig operation half of the wholesale value based on weight and clarity, about $125 in 2015, and took the Oregon sunstone home. They still talk about taking it to a gem cutter to have it shaped and polished.

The family found lots of the most abundant Oregon sunstones, clear or champagne-colored ones weighing a carat or two. They left those behind and also decided not to spend $200 for a tricolored gem Tanya found. "The worker kept saying, ‘Are you sure you don't want this one?’" she says. "Maybe we should have bought it?"

Despite the "torturous" trip, the Barkers say mining with the possibility of finding a valuable gem was a great adventure. "Now that we know where it is, we want to go back," says Martin.

A post shared by Arleta Lynn & Buck (@greenspringsgems)

After 30 years of mining in their spare time, Lynn Powell retired from her real estate job and Buck Garrett from construction. As the owners of Greensprings Gems, the Ashland couple continue to mine, cut, polish and set gemstones to sell at the Lithia Artisans Market in downtown Ashland.

For the first 10 years, when they mined at the free Sunstone Gem Collection Area, they used a lawn rake to gently scrape the sparkly surface, hoping to flip up the big sunstones. Later, they bought a share in a claim.

"People are excited to find an Oregon sunstone that has been hiding for millions of years," says Powell. "And for us, we found something to do in retirement that makes us happy."

Oregon sunstone A custom-faceted, orange/red Oregon Sunstone with a square-cut diamond in the middle and a bullet-cut Oregon Sunstone at the bottom of a 14k yellow and white gold pendant was created by Steven and Elyse Douglas of The Sunstone Store. (The Sunstone Store/The Sunstone Store)

Steven and Elyse Douglas met 40 years ago working at a custom jewelry store. They met the sunstone miner, Terry Clark, one of the owners of Dust Devil Mining, 22 years ago when they were about to open Douglas Fine Jewelry Design in Bend.

The couple quickly agreed to sell Oregon sunstones, and soon became known as having a large assortment. As experienced gem and jewelry designers, they were inspired by the colors and excited to shape and set the gem to make the most of its schiller.

In 2014, Elyse and Steven Douglas won first place in the Gemmys, a competition open to all gem and jewelry artists in the United States. Elyse designed a dramatic necklace, called "Constellation," and Steven hand fabricated it in 14-karat white and yellow gold.

The piece has three round-faceted, red Oregon sunstones, a trillion-cut green Oregon sunstone and a custom cabochon-cut schiller Oregon sunstone. The black stone in the design is a basalt from the Lava Butte flow south of Bend.

The couple now live in Grants Pass and sell their rings, earrings and necklaces all over the world through The Sunstone Store, their online company.

People choose the gem colors when they order a Hearts Afire engagement ring ($795), Gold Trinity Pendant (starting at $225), Tree of Life pendant (starting at $175) or custom pieces.

The Sunstone Store's certificate of authenticity states that its natural and untreated genuine sunstones were mined in Oregon by people "complying with all state and federal environmental and mining safety regulations."

Steven, who was introduced to rockhounding as a Boy Scout in the 1960s, used to haul an old camper to Plush in the spring, after the ground thawed out, and returned a few times each month until the end of summer.

Sometimes, he only found a handful of modest sunstones, just enough to cover the cost of his gas.

On his best day, he found rough stones valued at $10,000.

His most precious find: A 90-carat Oregon sunstone the color of black cherry. He unearthed it on his wedding anniversary and Elyse smiles every time she wears it as a necklace.

Some of the gems for sale came from the Douglases’ claims in southeast Oregon. "Rivalries between the miners are exaggerated," he says. "They talk tough, but that's all. It's safe and a great family adventure to go out there."

Dust Devil Mining Nicholas Johnson of Cottage Grove is the new owner of Dust Devil Mining in Plush, Oregon. He visited the you-dig site eight times with his family, then bought the sunstone mine from longtime owner Don Buford in January 2023. (Nicholas Johnson/Nicholas Johnson)

Prospectors started flooding into Oregon looking for gold in 1848. Modern-day miners searching for rocks that glitter can stake a claim on federal lands.

Or, an aspiring claim owner with deep pockets can buy Dust Devil Mining, the you-dig operation, and sit back and watch rockhounds pick at the ground.

The sale price of $1.6 million includes use of the Dust Devil Mining name, mining claims, equipment and 106 acres outside of Plush, population 95.

Dust Devil Mining is best known as a source for bicolor Oregon sunstones. Watermelon ones have red centers and are green around the edges. Copper causes Oregon sunstones to "flash like a brand new penny," according to the mine's tips for beginners.

Rockhounds and practicing gem cutters are charged at Dust Devil Mining for the sunstones they want to keep. The fee is half the wholesale value of better colored stones and bigger clear stones.

Potential buyers of the mine have to be prequalified to tour the property and talk to Don Buford, one of the original founders of the 30-year-old company, about the "amazing and unique business opportunity," says listing agent Eric Squires of All Professionals Real Estate.

Terms: The seller is seeking an "outright sale" and "refuses all creative finance scenarios," Squires says.

Squires’ marketing materials include an economic opportunities report for the area by the ECONorthwest consulting firm. One suggestion: Tourism promoting Western heritage and geological resources.

Squires also offers instructions on installing a private airfield on the property, and advice if a prospective buyer's car breaks down: "It is best to stay with your vehicle until help arrives. ... If you choose to walk for help (not advised), do not try to cut across country. Stay on the road. On any road except Nasty Flat Road, someone will be along within a few hours."

Property taxes for Dust Devil Mining have been about $200 a year, he adds.

— Janet Eastman | 503-294-4072

[email protected] | @janeteastman

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